African American Roundtable

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African American Roundtable Releases Statement After Disrupting Milwaukee Mayor's Proposed Budget Release

Today, members of the African American Roundtable disrupted Mayor Cavalier Johnson while he was releasing his proposed budget to the Milwaukee Common Council. The group demanded community investments, participatory budgeting, and for the Common Council to reject the Mayor’s budget and create a budget that reflects the will of the people.

“As a lifelong resident of the city of Milwaukee, I continue to be disappointed by past and present mayors’ budgets that miss the mark in meeting the needs of residents. Johnson's budget isn't creative, it isn't innovative, and it certainly doesn't make me feel any safer. This budget is disheartening and continues to rob those closest to the horrendous systemic conditions that plague our city and every person who lives and visits our city. Every taxpayer, especially homeowners, should be loudly pushing back on this budget that continues to raise our taxes in unacceptable ways. This isn't about inflation; this is about years and years of poor fiscal mismanagement of our taxpayer dollars.” -Markasa Tucker-Harris, Executive Director, African American Roundtable

“This budget continues the trend of budgets that divest from quality of life services to fund police. This budget is the manifestation of bad deals this administration has made. We urge the Common Council to reject this budget.” -Devin Anerson, Campaign and Membership Director, African American Roundtable

“The $300 million the mayor is giving to the police department is not helping keep Milwaukee safe. We would rather him invest that money in participatory budgeting, and we’re going to let him know that on October 7.” -Ranetta Palmer, LiberateMKE leader