Participatory Budgeting
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which community members decide how to spend part of a public budget. It gives people real power over real money.
AART’s PB Program
In 2023, AART created a Participatory Budgeting Process that allowed members and residents of the Northwest Side to propose, vote, and eventually execute projects that will improve their community.
This project was led by a steering committee composed of seven resident and member leaders. The steering committee determined eligibility, criteria for proposals, the amount of money each proposal was eligible for, and created the timeline for the entire program.

Over 850 people voted in the program. Four organizations were selected to receive $10,000 each.
Meet the Winners
BYOCHI (Building Youth Opportunities Through Creative and Holistic Initiatives) is a children’s social club that works to prevent mental health issues and peer pressure through literature and educational programs.
Brentwood Church
Brentwood Church will renovate their community church’s kitchen to install industrial equipment so that they can provide weekly meals, recreational, educational, and training activities for older adults on the Northwest Side.
Korey's Kids
Korey’s Kids will provide clothing, food, diapers and resources to residents of Milwaukee County through Christmas toy giveaway events, community baby showers and back-to-school events for families.
We Locked In MKE
Vaun Mayes of We Locked In MKE will host a lock-in for young people where they have access to meals, mentorship, programming, prizes and space to be.