Statement from the Community Power Coalition on the Murder of Samuel Sharpe

The Community Power Coalition (CPC) is a collective of Black and Southeast Asian social justice organizations across Wisconsin. Founded in 2018, CPC members have worked tirelessly to improve the material conditions of most impacted communities through statewide civic engagement initiatives and rapid response resource mobilizations. As trusted community leaders, we feel it is our duty to shed light on the unconscionable actions in Milwaukee that took place today.

We are outraged by the tragic shooting and murder of Samuel Sharpe early Tuesday morning, just outside the security perimeter of the RNC in Milwaukee. This incident, involving five officers from Ohio, underscores the dangers of increased police presence in our community—an imposition made without our consent. 

These out-of-state officers operated beyond their authorized RNC zone, accessing neighborhoods where they had no accountability to Milwaukee residents. The decision to host the RNC in our city was made at the Mayor's discretion, leaving community members voiceless and ultimately resulting in the loss of a beloved individual. 

 Mr. Sharpe's death tragically highlights the ongoing reality: the prioritization of policing over the value of life—particularly Black life. This is an injustice not only to Milwaukee but also to the state of Wisconsin and our nation as a whole. 

We knew that bringing the RNC, without community input, would heighten the risks and make our city less safe. Elected officials chose policing over the well-being of our community, placing Black and Brown residents directly in harm's way. 

We demand a full and transparent investigation into this fatal shooting, including the immediate release of all body camera footage related to the incident. We demand that this family gets justice however they see fit.

With over 4,000 additional law enforcement officials in Milwaukee for the RNC, we remain deeply concerned about the increased risk of violence against our community. 

Our heartfelt condolences go out to Mr. Sharpe's family and friends during this devastating time. We stand in solidarity with our community in demanding justice and accountability.


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