Northwest Side Organizing
Why the Northwest Side?
Since 2021, AART has committed to building relationships with, serving, and organizing residents of Aldermanic Districts 5 and 9, including canvassing, building relationships, holding meetings and events geared toward NWS residents, and opening an office on 69th and Brown Deer.
Our work prioritizes people living, working, and spending significant time upwards from 60th Street and Hampton Avenue until County Line Road and 124th Street.
We’ve built an Asset Map for the NWS!
We've worked alongside UBUNTU Research & Evaluation and neighbors of the Northwest Side to identify nearly 150 resources existing in the area. Asset mapping is an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) practice of creating an inventory of things that can be drawn upon to strengthen a community.
Northwest Side Stories
Northwest Side Stories is a social media campaign designed to highlight the experiences of Milwaukee’s Black Northwest Side residents.
Interested in sharing your Northwest Side Story? Email info@africanamericanroundtable.org!
Visit AART’s Facebook page and YouTube channel to check out the other virtual spaces we’ve created for Northwest Side residents.
Northwest Side blogs
Introducing AART’s Participatory Budgeting Steering Committee
A closer look at [the spring 2023 special election] Aldermanic District 9 Common Council candidates
Not our backyard: Northwest Side residents voice concerns about new youth prison
Milwaukee residents share community needs and budget demands

Support our work on the Northwest Side
Questions about Northwest Side organizing? Contact AART’s Community Program Manager Ryeshia Farmer at ryeshia@africanamericanroundtable.org.