African American Roundtable Releases Statement on Milwaukee’s ‘Status Quo’ 2023 Proposed Budget

While the Milwaukee Common Council decided against cuts to libraries and the fire department, which the mayor can still veto until November 15, this budget still fails to meet the needs of the city’s residents. Instead, it increases the Milwaukee Police Department’s budget by $20 million. This status quo budget continues the trend of funding police at the expense of every other city department and will lead Milwaukee to bankruptcy. 

As 2023 approaches we will continue our fight for a budget that adequately funds libraries, neighborhoods, housing, mental health services and supports participatory budgeting. Milwaukee deserves a participatory budgeting process that gives residents decision-making power over public dollars.


‘This is Pathetic’: AART Rips City of Milwaukee Leadership for 2023 Budget, Continues Fight for Participatory Budgeting


AART Releases Statement on Joint Public Budget Hearing